I haven't seen Kevin and Lisa in probably five years. They are in town for Lisa's cousin's wedding. They have the afternoon free, so we go check out what's going on at MOMA (thanks, Tim!).

I am in unholy love with this series of photographs by Barbara Probst.
Being a bad New Yorker, I'd never been to MOMA before. Neither had I been to Serendipity, where we trek over afterwards for snacks.
I'm jonesing to try Serendipity's famous signature drink/dessert thing, the Frozen Hot Chocolate, about which little else people seem to talk about since, like, ever. I don't know what exactly I'm expecting, some sort of utterly mind-blowing chocolate orgasm or something, I guess, but what I get is...slushy chocolate milk. It's not unpleasant by any means, but.... Well, at least the whipped cream is fresh.
Blue steel!