Sunday, February 08, 2009

New York Comic Con 2009, day two.

First stop is the stage to watch the Vampire Cowboys fight demo.

Their new show Soul Samurai begins February 14!

Kristen, cosplaying Jimmy - HA!

Peter Rios.

"I ain't got time to bleed."

Other than the usual Star Wars and Naruto guys, I think the most popular costume this year was Watchmen's Rorschach.

I saw this guy from behind and thought, Oh look, another Rorschach. Then I passed him and saw that he was, in fact, Golden Age Sandman! Awesome.

Caught a couple cool panels, including the one introducing The New Press' upcoming Secret Identities : The Asian American Superhero Anthology, featuring Greg Pak, who rules.

Run upstairs for the first Comic News Insider raffle...

...where I win a Pushing Daisies t-shirt and signed comic. I love the shirt, but it's way too big for me, so I trade it with Hoche for a signed Chris Eliopoulos sketch.

Fred Chao.



Chris and I hit the floor to look at toys...

...and run into Tony G.

I run (lots of running this year) downstairs to see Kathleen already in line for the Torchwood panel, featuring the luminous, adorable, slightly cheeky, utterly charming Eve Myles.

And back upstairs to look at t-shirts, pick up some random gachapons for friends, then back to the CNI table for one last (for me) raffle. Run into Chris and Jeff (apparently cosplaying a guy who just got a haircut), and win a Tony Lee-signed Doctor Who: The Forgotten #1 and script. Nice!

I (regrettably) skip the Venture Bros. panel to run home to drop off my stuff, take a short nap (doesn't happen), and change before heading off to the dinner at Heartland Brewery Chophouse on W.43rd.

Spano and Denise.






Ryan and Charlie.

Jimmy and Conn. If this iPhone could talk.... :p

Tiki Tim, who has the softest sweater ever.

And finally, to drinks at O'Flaherty's on W.46th.


Mitch, who we don't see nearly enough of these days.

Lenny and David D.


Day three is looking less and less likely for me, so if I missed saying hello (or goodbye) to you, fear not -- our paths shall cross again soon. And hopefully before the next NYCC in October (!) of 2010.

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